Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Different Lighting techniques (Portrait photography) Unit 53

Hard light is when the light is shinning in one direction of the subject which results to one side of the subject being really bright and the other side really dark. soft light is when the light wraps around the subject and diffuses the shadow a more ''softer'' look.
A soft box describes an enclosure that surrounds all light source and diffuses the light that escapes from it. A clam shot is when the light is facing towards the model and place the reflector underneath the model's chin to create a brighter photograph, this is often used in beauty and cosmetic use. What I like about the clam shell lighting is that it makes the subject look brighter and more youthful.

Strong Directional Lighting
This type of light usually seen outdoors when the sun is out and is coming in one particular angle. Photos of sunrise and sunsets are a good example of a directional light because the light is coming from one angle which creates a relaxed, warm and carefree feeling.

What is rim lighting?
Rim lighting, which is sometimes referred to as back light is when the subject is placed in front of the light and you can see a light outline of the subject. This technique pulls the subject off the background and creates some depth and dimension to what you are shooting.

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