Thursday, 13 December 2012

TASK 3 : WHO'S MAKING WHAT? - DNA Films presentation

DNA films is a british film production company that produced the hits of ''28 days later'' and ''Love, actually''. In partnership with working title films and has a close relationship with Fox Searchlight Pictures; DNA films has historically has supplied many titles to the Fox searchlight pictures to the ''Indie film''which has handled DNA film's global distribution. the company was founded by Duncan Kenworthy and a scottish directer called Andrew Macdonald in 1997.

The Last King of Scotland
'The Last King of Scotland' is a 2006 British drama based on Giles Foden's book ''Novel of the same name''. It begins with a scottish doctor who travels to Uganda and becomes a personal physician to the dictator Ldi Amin (Forest Whitaker). The film was based on a factual event of Admins rule and the title comes from a journalist who wants to verify Admin as the King of Scotland.

the genre of the film is a historical genre that has a hint of biography and drama mixed together. The film was based on a novel by Giles Foden who was an English author that won many awards and prizes - 'The Last King of Scotland' being one of them. the budget of the film was £5,000,000 with a UK release on 12 January 2007. In the United states the film was rated ''R'' for its nudity, violence and gruesome scenes followed by a 7.7/10 rating. ''28 weeks later'' begins in the city of London after a rage virus. the US army restored order and allow the city to repopulating the city again until a carrier of the virus enters London and unknowingly spreads the infection.

List of Movies that DNA have made:

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