Monday, 27 January 2014

UNIT 27 : BBC Editorial Guidelines

BBC Guidelines

Serving the public interests
Seek to report stories of significance to the audience and to be prepared in establishing the truth and be well-informed when explaining it. Exposing the complex world that we live, its the experts job to search and ask questions of those who hold public office and others who are accountable and provide a comprehensive form for public debate.

  • In this article, it represents a countries political state and the peoples fight for the Anti-government protests.
  • people are protesting 'restart Thailand' , 'shutdown Thailand'
  • Ms Yingluck calls an election on 2nd February 
  • 'Peoples revolution'
This is an example of the BBC Guidelines - serving the publics interest - It informs the world about that is going in another country and how politics can affect the public. This is exposing the complex world that we live in also its to inform the Thai community (In other countries) about what is happening back at home.

Truth and Accuracy
Establishing the truth of what is happening and are committed in finding out what is happening. Their output, as appropriate to the subject and nature will be based on evidence, thoroughly tested and presented in clear, precise language. Strive to be open and honest.

  • this is an example of madeleine McCann's letter sent to the portuguese in regards to madeleines disappearance. 
  • The daily Mirror said the letter gave permission to arrest burglars believed to have been working in the resort on the day madeleine went missing.
  • 17 days before madeleine disappeared, the police claimed that there was one attempted burglary in the block where madeleines family was staying at.
Reporting about Madeleines disappearance, we can only find evidence and witness of what has happened to her. This example is another evidence found recently about Madeleines disappearance giving the police the authority to arrest burglars who was present during that night Madeleine went missing. I chose this as an example of the BBC guidelines because it tells the public about what is happening to McCann's case and what the police are doing to resolve it, raising awareness about the world we live in.

Ofcom Guidelines

Equality and Diversity
Bringing together and strengthening the commitments explaining diversity and equality; explaining how diversity and equality is essential to the way that we operate in this world.

''Treat all colleagues with dignity and respect in an inclusive and fair working environment, promoting equality of opportunity for all''

  • A teenage school girl was arrested for being racist after refusing to sit next to a group of asian students because some of them did not speak english.
  • '' The incident happened in the same local education authority where a ten-year-old boy was prosecuted earlier this year for calling a schoolfriend racist names in the playground, a move branded by a judge "political correctness gone mad."
This is example of equality and diversity being broken by a young teenage girl at school refusing to sit down with asian pupils her age because ''She can't understand them'', the journalist who reported this incident was clearly against the young girl's action and tries to display an event that is breaking the rules of human rights. (This is also an example of serving the publics interest).  

To ensure that the material likely to encourage or incite the commission of crime or to lead to disorder is not included in television or radio services.

  • David Cameron trying to make prisons more punishable for offenders.
  • ''hoodie history''
  • discussing about making ''prisons work better''
  • the reporter seemed to be supportive of the decision and puts the prime minister in a positive light by getting other opinions from other people e.g Mr Grayling from the BBC Radio 4 news.
This is an example of the BBC of David Cameron resolving the issue around crime in England. The reporter and the news itself is not encouraging crime in the nation but delivering the important message from someone in authority.

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